Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Our Life NEVER Ceases to Amaze Me!

Well... you would think that things at the Andrews/Melle household could slow down and go with the flow... even for a day! ha! ha! Well... last night our little Car Cruiser... little dare devil.... or as Uncle Bub calls her... Our Little Thrill Seeker... drove her car down our stairs! Talk about freaking out! We knew we needed to get a gate, but where she isn't walking or crawling and as far as the car and lion go... she has only been able to go forward and backward... she didn't know how to turn the wheel or turn... or so we thought. Nick brought up some laundry for us to fold and she was right there... seriously with in seconds... it was as though the house was falling in! It was so loud and scary! My first thought was that Preston had fallen down the stairs with a whole handful of stuff... we jumped up and there she was, lying on the landing and her car upside down! Nick seriously flew down the stairs and Preston and I were there in seconds! It was the scariest thing. So off the to doctor we flew! She was okay thank goodness! I can't even believe it! I felt like the worst mother! She was right there and literally a second later there she laid... at the bottom of the stairs! I felt so bad! I thought Nick was going to fall apart! She is doing well and back to her joyful, funny self! So we are really glad!

I went to the doctor today to find out what my lump was. Well, it's not a hernia! It's a blood clot. There are actually several of them. So it's kind of scary! I have to be real careful for about 3 weeks he said. No heavy lifting or exerting myself. He said if I'm really careful they should go away. If not, If I'm my stubborn self and do things instead of asking for help... they could break off and go to my lungs or heart! So I think I will be humbled and ask for help! It really scared me! He said there was so much bleeding from my surgery and that is what caused them! So the next few weeks are going to be a little stressful for me! I know I'll be okay because I will follow orders this time! ha! ha! When it's your life that is involved and you have little kids and a family... the stubbornness needs to go on the back burner.

Then, there is our Mr. Preston! How proud of him are we? Well, he tried out for the Jr. High baseball team this week and yesterday he made the first cut! There were 50 7th graders and they only kept 12. Preston was one of the 12, so we were so excited! Several of his other friends also made it so it was pretty cool! In fact, most of his new baseball team made the cut. Then today, he made the second cut! Yeah! ha! ha! They only kept about 7 7th graders. Some of his friends got cut today, but the others are still there too! He's very excited! So he has to go back again tomorrow! I think he has a very good chance! He does very well at baseball, so hopefully he makes it! If not, he got very far in the try outs and he should be proud! Go Preston! ha! ha! We are so proud of you for even going out there and trying! I'll let you all know how it goes! Hopefully we have some really good news! That would do so much for him and his confidence! I think he's already proud of him self for getting this far!

I am still keeping busy as ever being Mom, taking care of the family, playing with the kids and working on my new adventure.... doing Mortgage Loans! I'm so excited to be working with Angie. She has been a very good friend of mine for a very long time, so working with her and spending time has been great! Plus I get to do the loans from my home and spend my days with Avery and soon Preston once summer comes! It would be really nice if I could just do this full time and be home with my kids all the time! Hopefully soon! ha! ha!

I hope you all are doing well and everything in your life is going good! Love you guys! I'll get some updated photos of the kids soon! We went and got their photos taken at Sadie's Photography and they turned out so good! I'll get posted soon! You'll love them!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Newest Member to our Family..... Chloe

Here is our little Chloe. Cute Little Chloe.She's already been out in the fields getting ready for the big day when she can go hunting with Dad and brother! ha! ha! Maybe Mom and sister too! She is so cute! Avery didn't know what to think of her at first... but now she loves her! That's her favorite word... dogie! When we go out to play with her or take her potty... the first thing she says is.. "Hi dogie!" and waives to her! It's so fun!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Finally Did It

Well... the last few weeks at our house hold have been pretty crazy! I went in for my surgery and things went okay! A little more complex than I and the doctor had hoped... but okay! I had my Hysterectomy. I have been dreading this for YEARS! Anyway, the Endometriosis had grown some of my organs together, so they had to cut them apart and lift the organs up and cut all the Endometriosis off. Then they had to cut two of the ligaments in my back to get to the Endometriosis that was clear down in my tailbone! Yeah! That hurt... and still seems to bother me when I sit too long! When I got out of surgery they had me on straight Morphine. Yeah, you would think that would be great... but for some reason it didn't touch the pain in my back. I couldn't lay on my back for pretty much the whole time in the hospital! Turning from side to side when I had that great big, long... scar across my whole belly... wasn't very pleasant! ha! ha! But we managed! I had to stay in the hospital a day longer than I had expected... but it was sure nice to get out! I really missed my kids! I was able to see Nick a lot because he spent most of his time up there with me. Thanks to my parents for keeping the kids. Avery didn't like being cooped up in the room very long and Preston was sick for two days. So my time with them was short! That was really hard too! I wanted Avery to spend the night with me because I hadn't been away from her like that ever, but there was no way I could have taken care of her by myself ! I was pretty out of it for a couple days! I took some time to try and recover before returning back to work, but I'm now back to the grind of everyday life! Still pretty sore, but doing okay! I have a lump on my left side that hurts pretty bad and I'm just not quite sure what it is. We are hoping it's not a hernia, and that I don't have to go back under the knife to get if fixed! Yikes! That would stink!

Avery is getting so big! She's finally said Mama! Yeah! It's about time! ha! ha! I came after, Dada, Bubba, Dog, Duck, Ca ca, Ca ca Bum... you name it! ha! ha! But finally, Mama! I love it! We got a new little Black Lab Puppy named Chloee and last night Avery started even saying Dogie and Dogie Ca ca! ha! ha! She went out with me to let her go potty! I can't believe she's starting to talk so well... even though she's still not crawling... or walking! ha! ha! She is scooting around on her bum and rolling all over! Uncle Bub and Grandma & Grandpa Taylor both gave her little toys she can ride a round the house on and boy does she ever! She gets on her Lion and Car and rides them ALL over! It's such a crack up to watch! We love her so much! She puts a smile on our faces and touches our hearts!

Preston is doing well in school! They just went on a ski day for Honors, so he was really excited! He is now getting ready to start baseball again! We are with another team this year so we will be able to have our weekends free to have lots of family time! Camping, Fishing, 4 Wheeling, you name it! Preston is still his little sister's best buddy. It's so funny! When ever he's around, she wants him and pretty much no one else! When we drop him off to school she waives goodbye and blows him kisses! Same when we pick him up! Then she doesn't want him out of her sight when we get home! What a good brother he is! He takes such good care of her! He wants to be with her just as much as she does him! I am so proud of the big brother he is to her and the young man he is becoming! I love him so much!

Nick is out of town this week and we all miss him so! He had to go to California for a few days for work... enjoying the warm weather... close to 80. Shorts and a tee shirt! He called us last night and sent pictures of the beach! I was jealous! Especially when he said, "Guess what I'm doing right now? I'm wading in the ocean!" Rude huh? ha! ha! Here it's raining and cold today and he's down in the warm weather rubbing it in! Thank goodness he comes home tomorrow! We miss our papa!

Thanks to all of you who were so concerned for me and my family. For the flowers, cards, visits, phone calls and emails! I really appreciate everything you all do for us!